IMDB TV Show Episode Ratings

Copy/Paste the URL for a TV Show from its page.

If you get an error (likely saying "HTTP error 404" or "undefined columns selected"), check/try the following:
1. You copy/pasted the entire URL (including the http part).
2. You grabbed the link from the front page for the TV show.
3. You didn't accidentally grab a movie with the same/similar title.
4. You can clean the "junk" off the end of the url so it ends in "tt[some 7 digit number]" (without the [] or quotes)
5. Try a different show from the list below as those have been tested and should work.
Shows that should work (in case you have issues with your own).
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
The Simpsons
Grey's Anatomy
Avatar: The Last Airbender
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